
The Caravan Industry in Australia is self regulated and this has proven to be a problem.

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Read on and scroll down to watch the full video from Glenn Campbell, designer of the IRONMAN and owner of Simplicity Campers >>>

The Caravan Industry in Australia is self regulated and this has proven to be a problem.

'Self Regulated' means that standards which you would reasonably expect to be held to an independent, measurable and superior benchmark - such as an ISO standard for example, are instead set well below what an independent governing body would deem as acceptable. These self regulated standards are also often arbitrary, vague and open to broad interpretation.

Until such time as the industry becomes regulated by an independent governing body, the only safeguard you have to protecting yourself from buying a lemon is your ability to do your research. Buyer Beware !

You need to invest in QUALITY to ensure you don't become a 'lemon buyer' statistic.

"QUALITY is not something that is added in  after the camper is built. It's something that is inherent in every element of the camper, from raw materials to design and right through to the level of craftsmanship during manufacturing  ."

1. Look for the Australian Made logo. This is not just a parochial symbol, it is also a standard of quality.

2. Look for ISO stamps on critical components such as the steel frame.

3. Insist on inspecting AutoCad design documents explaining design and load parameters.

4. Insist on reading all warranty documents - ensure the buck stops at the manufacturer.

5. Read and understand your compliance plates prior to taking possession.   

Identifying QUALITY when buying your next camper, requires that you do some research, know what questions to ask, and know what to look for.

What does ' made in Australia' mean?

As a registered certification trademark, the AMAG logo can only be used on products that are registered with the not-for-profit Australian Made Campaign Ltd (AMCL), and which meet the criteria set out in the Australian Consumer Law and the AMAG Logo Code of Practice.

For more than 30 years, the AMAG logo has helped thousands of brands communicate their Australian credentials to consumers, businesses and all levels of government. It does this instantly and clearly, making it a powerful sales and marketing asset for authentic Aussie brands, and a helpful shopping aid for consumers around the globe.

If you want the assurance of buying Australian Made quality, you should look for the Australian Made logo.

If you would like to know more about the Australian made logo, click here.

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